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Exploring the Unique Flavors of Coffee Liberica

Liberica coffee beans and leaves growing on a coffee plant

SipScribe Coffee |

When it comes to coffee, most people are familiar with the popular Arabica and Robusta varieties. However, there is a lesser-known coffee bean that offers a unique and distinct flavor profile - Coffee Liberica.

In this article, we will explore the origins and characteristics of Coffee Liberica, and why it is worth trying for any coffee lover.

What is Coffee Liberica?

Coffee Liberica, also known as Liberica coffee, is a rare and exotic coffee bean that is native to West and Central Africa. It is the third most popular coffee bean in the world, after Arabica and Robusta, but only accounts for a small percentage of global coffee production.

Origins of Coffee Liberica

Coffee beans

by Annie Spratt (

Coffee Liberica was first discovered in the 19th century in Liberia, hence its name. It was then brought to the Philippines by the Spanish in the late 1800s, where it became a popular crop due to its resistance to coffee rust, a fungal disease that affects coffee plants.

Today, the Philippines is the largest producer of Coffee Liberica, followed by Malaysia and Indonesia.

Characteristics of Coffee Liberica

Coffee Liberica beans are larger than Arabica and Robusta beans, with a unique shape that resembles a teardrop. They also have a distinct aroma, with a floral and fruity scent that is often described as similar to jackfruit.

The flavor profile of Coffee Liberica is also unique, with a bold and full-bodied taste that is often described as smoky, woody, and slightly nutty. It has a low acidity level, making it a great choice for those who prefer a less bitter cup of coffee.

Why is Coffee Liberica Worth Trying?

Rare and Exotic Flavor

Coffee beans in a cup

by João Marcelo Martins (

Coffee Liberica offers a flavor profile that is unlike any other coffee bean. Its bold and unique taste makes it a must-try for any coffee lover looking to expand their palate and try something new.

Limited Availability

Due to its low production and limited availability, Coffee Liberica is considered a rare and exotic coffee bean. This makes it a sought-after choice for coffee enthusiasts who are always on the lookout for new and unique flavors.

Supporting Small-Scale Farmers

Most Coffee Liberica is produced by small-scale farmers in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. By purchasing Coffee Liberica, you are not only getting a rare and delicious coffee, but you are also supporting these farmers and their communities.

Where Can You Find Coffee Liberica?

Coffee Liberica is not as widely available as Arabica and Robusta beans, but it is still possible to find it for sale. Here are some places where you can purchase Coffee Liberica:

Specialty Coffee Shops

Coffee shop

by kayleigh harrington (

Specialty coffee shops are a great place to find rare and exotic coffee beans, including Coffee Liberica. These shops often have a rotating selection of beans, so be sure to ask if they have any Coffee Liberica available.

Online Retailers

There are several online retailers that specialize in rare and exotic coffee beans, including Coffee Liberica. These retailers often source their beans directly from small-scale farmers, ensuring the highest quality and freshness.

Directly from Farmers

Some small-scale farmers in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia sell their Coffee Liberica beans directly to consumers. This is a great way to support these farmers and get your hands on some freshly harvested beans.

How to Brew Coffee Liberica

French Press

French press

by Brina Blum (

French press is a popular brewing method for Coffee Liberica, as it allows the full flavor and body of the beans to shine through. To brew Coffee Liberica using a French press, follow these steps:

  1. Grind your Coffee Liberica beans to a coarse grind.
  2. Add the ground coffee to your French press.
  3. Pour hot water (just off the boil) over the grounds, filling the French press about halfway.
  4. Let the coffee bloom for 30 seconds, then stir gently.
  5. Fill the French press with the remaining hot water.
  6. Let the coffee steep for 4 minutes.
  7. Slowly press down the plunger to separate the grounds from the coffee.
  8. Pour and enjoy your freshly brewed Coffee Liberica.

Pour Over

Pour over

by Tyler Nix (

Pour over is another popular brewing method for Coffee Liberica, as it allows for a more controlled and precise extraction. To brew Coffee Liberica using a pour over, follow these steps:

  1. Grind your Coffee Liberica beans to a medium-fine grind.
  2. Place a filter in your pour over cone and rinse it with hot water.
  3. Add the ground coffee to the filter.
  4. Pour hot water (just off the boil) over the grounds, saturating them evenly.
  5. Let the coffee bloom for 30 seconds.
  6. Slowly pour the remaining hot water over the grounds in a circular motion.
  7. Let the coffee drip through the filter and into your cup.
  8. Enjoy your freshly brewed Coffee Liberica.

In Conclusion

Coffee Liberica is a rare and exotic coffee bean that offers a unique and bold flavor profile. Its limited availability and support for small-scale farmers make it a must-try for any coffee lover. So next time you're looking to expand your coffee horizons, be sure to give Coffee Liberica a try.